Youth against AIDS

Gesundheit & Wohlbefinden
Gründungsjahr 2010
Anzahl der Mitarbeiter > 100

Youth against AIDS is an international organization which aims to strengthen and emphasize the role of youth in the battle against sexually transmitted diseases. Our common goal is to contribute to an end to this epandemic by 2030.

The key to our success lies in our team. Driven by a common goal, we offer young, committed people the opportunity to make a difference. Because only if we pull together can we ensure that sexually transmitted diseases no longer have a place in our generation. Everyone can become a part of our movement. Whether computer geek, young scientist or prospective journalist – we promote your individual strengths in a varied and unique working environment. 

Our team consists of high school and university students as well as young professionals from different regions. We are united by the common goal of an open society in which sexuality is never a reason for exclusion, fear or stigma.  

Wie kann man bei uns mitarbeiten?

We are always looking for motivated and enthusiastic people from all over the world to join us as a volunteer!