SMART Academy

Bildung & Forschung
Politik & Menschenrechte
Kreuzg. 77, 1180 Wien, Österreich
Gründungsjahr 2016

The SMART Academy was established in the Austrian capital of Vienna on June 29, 2016 as a non-profit organization. The objectives of the SMART Academy fit within the framework of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals and Vienna strategy 2050.
The prime focus is training, development and support of new arrivals ( refugees, asylum seekers, migrants ) in Austria to optimize their integration in the society and understand the European Values.
Secondary focus is to promote the culture of excellence, creativity, and scientific research.
The operation of SMART Academy comprises two levels:
firstly, the education, development and training of the SMART Academy members
secondly, the scientific research conducted by members.
To become one of the world ‘s prominent organisations for excellence in performance and scientific research.
Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses by means of SWOT analysis
to activate human resources to contribute to the social, political and economic development of the local environment.
Communication and interaction with the Community, target groups, relevant authorities and strategic partners.
Offering training and development programs to bridge the gap between the Needs of society, human resources and development processes.
Communication with local, regional and international organizations, which provide conferences and seminars to achieve both excellent results and social responsibility as well as UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Contribute to Vienna Strategy 2050 so that Vienna becomes the smartest city of Europe and the city of innovaion and sceintific research and development.

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