UNCAC Coalition

Bildung & Forschung
Politik & Menschenrechte
Soziale Dienste & Gemeinwohl
Wirtschaft & Fundraising
Widerhofergasse 8, 1090 Wien, Österreich
Gründungsjahr 2006
Anzahl der Mitarbeiter < 10

The UNCAC Coalition is an umbrella organisation, uniting civil society actors from all backgrounds committed to promoting the ratification, implementation and monitoring of the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). The Convention is the only binding universal anti-corruption instrument and has been ratified by 186 countries.

The Coalition has a membership of over 100 civil society organisations and individuals on all continents, as well as a wider network of an additional 250 organisations. This membership harnesses a broad range of issues: human rights, anti-corruption, freedom of information, financial transparency and environmental expertise.

Wie kann man bei uns mitarbeiten?

We are looking for paid interns. We also occasionally look for consultants to work on projects.