RED NOSES International

Gesundheit & Wohlbefinden
Soziale Dienste & Gemeinwohl
Wattgasse 48, 1170 Wien, Österreich

RED NOSES is one of the largest and leading healthcare clown organisations in the world on a mission to share the healing power of laughter through the art of clowning. Today, RED NOSES partner offices operate in Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Jordan, Lithuania, Palestine, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia. Across these numerous locations, RED NOSES work together with vulnerable audiences such as children in hospitals, older citizens in geriatric facilities, children with disabilities and people affected by crisis. RED NOSES International, based in Vienna, acts as the headquarter and supports the activities of the locally led organisations by monitoring and ensuring the implementation of the organisation’s strategic goals. Our journey has been guided by unwavering dedication to our core values and mission, ensuring that laughter remains a powerful tool for psychosocial support.