Our vision for Europe
Many citizens feel powerless about decisions made by distant European institutions or by national governments convening behind closed doors. WeMove.EU brings citizens together to push the European Union to make better decisions. We challenge the fact that many of the decisions at the European level are made in the interest of powerful lobbies rather than ordinary people. Our answer is not a return to nationalism, but a move towards policies that reflect the concerns of Europeans. We want to provide citizen-led alternatives which will provide pressure and bring about change.
Our Europe is about democracy. We want European democracy to be led by its people: everyone living in the European Union needs to have a say in EU decision making. Decisions must not be dominated by the interests of large corporations or by a narrow-minded understanding of national interests. European democracy needs a good balance between decisions made at the local, regional, national and European levels. Although we strongly support local decision making, we know that issues like tax evasion, climate change or organised crime cannot be tackled on a national level alone.
Our Europe is about social justice. We want a Europe with an economy that works for all of us, a Europe that invests in good jobs and protects the welfare state, a Europe that stands for tax justice. Europe needs to deliver equal opportunities for everyone, and this is only possible if everyone has access to quality education and health care.
Our Europe is about protecting the planet. We want Europe to overcome its dependency on fossil fuels and to build an energy system based on efficiency and renewable energy. It is our responsibility to protect biodiversity and animal welfare, in Europe and elsewhere. European agricultural policy has to support sustainable agriculture which produces healthy and affordable food for all.
Our Europe is about civil liberties and rights. We want a Europe that rejects mass surveillance and embraces free and diverse media – both traditional and online. Our Europe does not tolerate national attempts to limit freedoms or individual rights.
Our Europe is against discrimination. We want a Europe free of discrimination against women or based on race or sexual orientation. An open Europe that embraces diversity. A Europe that deals ethically with migrants and refugees and where human rights apply to everyone, no matter their legal status.
Our Europe is accountable and free of corruption. We want to stop the use of political power for private gain. We will fight for clear rules about conflicts of interest, the punishment of corrupt politicians and their permanent removal from public office.
Our Europe is a globally responsible Europe, using its weight in the world to build peace, advance human rights and fight global poverty. Our campaigns are not about saying ‚Yes‘ or ‚No‘ to Europe. They are about working towards our vision for the future. We push for the Europe we want and challenge unacceptable European policy decisions, thereby strengthening European democracy.
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Aktuelle Stellenausschreibungen veröffentlichen wir auf: https://www.wemove.eu/jobs-and-internships