Career & further training

Become a global citizen!

Training series by Einfach ganz ANDERS - SHAPING CLIMATE & FLUID AND SOCIETY

In the project Einfach ganz ANDERS, the One World Network NRW and BUNDjugend NRW are working together to bring more sustainability to schools with the new focus areas "Climate & flight and shaping society".

The three-part training series (3×2 days) teaches organizational and methodological skills for leading project days and weeks in lower secondary and primary schools.

In addition to the framework conditions, development trends and models of schools in NRW, topics and backgrounds of education for sustainable development are discussed and innovative methods are conveyed with which environmental education and global learning with children and young people can be designed in a participatory and project-oriented manner.

As part of the training, the participants try out modules on the topics of climate & flight and shaping society, which combine both action- and solution-oriented methods, and develop their own approaches for their educational work. Participants can then join the pool of multipliers and be placed as honorary staff for assignments in schools throughout NRW.

The next training series will take place:

  • Weekend A: June 08 - 10, 2018 in Bielefeld
  • Weekend B: June 22 - 24, 2018 in Odenthal-Voiswinkel
  • Weekend C: July 06 - 08, 2018 in Hagen-Rummenohl

The training weekends start on Friday afternoon around 3 pm and end on Sunday afternoon around 5 pm.

Participation fee

180 €, (160 € for members of Eine Welt Netz NRW or BUNDjugend NRW/ BUND NRW). The participation fee includes the costs for accommodation, vegan/vegetarian meals and materials. Refugees take part free of charge.

Further information & registration form